Saturday, November 19, 2011

More Courier Work

Some character development concepts. Quick stuff, nothing fancy.

Final turnaround, but the design has changed since then.

And a work in progress of a self portrait of sorts.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Pineapple Princess

From Pineapple Paradise, an island where giant pineapples grow and are used to make rather fashionable hats!

Part of a series of fruit-inspired character designs that I am working on. This is the first of the series.

Propaganda Poster

Propaganda poster for a graphic novel I am working on.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Courier's Contemplation

Yes, you read that right, this guy's a mailman! That is, one of the digital world. He's one of trillions of data couriers that run information to and fro in the digital realm. He has a name and a backstory, but I want to wait before I spill everything.

Roc Concept

Piece done for a fantasy game development project. The Roc terrorizes the natives of the island country where it resides.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Parasite Designs

A couple of creature (or character, if you count the cow-eating tick sherrif as a character) designs I sketched up today. I will go back and refine the page for the parasite. . . I don't like it at all but I don't have a lot of time to work today.