Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Into the Galaxy progress

Hello my pretties! Above is the finished piece. The time for goofing off and having fun is closed and now it's back to work. Hurrah. Below you can view the steps I took to get to the final piece. Enjoy loves!

Hello again, back to post some in-progress shots to show the steps I take in a piece. The above is still unfinished, waaaay unfinished, it's just what I have so far. The subject? Why, the Doctor of course! I'm always jumping around with methods of stylizing, partly because I don't want to get stuck in one specific style (if I haven't already) and partly because. . . well, I haven't yet found a style that feels right to me. Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting . . . "time".

In the meantime, I had a ton of fun drawing everyone's favourite Scotsman. His lanky frame proved challenging at the very least, considering I'm so used to putting actual meat on bones, thus making my characters fairly healthy if not beefy; and in all the irony I actually dislike the typical steroid muscle man, just doesn't appeal to me as fun to draw or attractive to look at when you've finished. Overly beefy figures like look like a pile of rocks methinks.

Any"Who" I digress. . . (Haha! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.)

Progress shots of some good old fan art - something I don't make much of these days. I apologize for the small image resolution as these were taken from screencaps rather than saving the image and going back to shrink it down. Besides, all of you will get to see the end result in brilliant resolution once I'm finished.

Thumbnails first to figure out my composition. It's funny, being that art always has a mind of it's own. My original idea is nothing like what I ended up deciding on. Then it's off to roughing out gestures and blocking out the figure.

Again, thin spindly figures are challenging, but rather rewarding. Ah, before I forget I did work out how I could possibly stylize Tennant in the same document as a bit of a warm up so I didn't run into any dead ends.

That was fun, I still need a ton more practice on hands. So as I finish lines for our Doctor, it's time to conceive that pesky, technical, tedious TARDIS. I sketched the first passes by hand, but used Photoshop's help to draw perfectly straight and technical lines.

Aaaand then as I started putting the composition together I started to think. . .

Wait a minute. . . Now Tennant looks like he's really falling. Tragic, and not my intention at all. And what better way to see the picture than to turn it up side down?

There we are, much better. Now he looks like he's having fun listing off into the great depths of the universe rather than falling to his doom into the pit of vacuum blackness. I slapped down some color, constantly testing my palette to make sure the colors looked right against one another. I think I adjusted Tennant's skin color at LEAST seven times to find the right hue against all that spacey purple and blue. Color theory is a beautifully disastrous thing, and I love it.

Anyway, that's what I have for now. I'll probably put it aside to work on other things that need to get done. (And if it's of anyone's curiosity, the stars in the verrrrry top work in progress shot are courtesy of Nasa's snapshot of the gorgeous galaxy, Andromeda, though these are the stars and distant galaxies cut from the surrounding background in the shot.)


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Time and Relative Dimension in Space

So first, and foremost, my first doctor. I jumped into the series a few years back and only got to catch the season 3 finale. Yes, the fifteen or so glorious minutes somewhere at the very end of the season 3 finale was my first taste of Doctor Who, and to say the least I was hooked almost immediately. However, as circumstances would have it, I couldn't compete for the TV when Doctor Who would air, so I waited until time would turn in my favour.

What is it. . . four years now? It certainly feels like four years, I can finally sit down and watch the entire series, as well as reap what I can from the older series from documentaries and summaries. Doctor Who has been my Avalon the last month or so while I get through a really stressful time. I've been hitting nasty art blocks, and there are just too many ideas that are missing out on being conceived while I battle blocks. So today I decided to slow things down. I've never drawn quite like this style before, but I'm beginning to like it.

Next, another Time Lord my sub-conscience whipped up one night when I was trying to sleep. It's whipped up two, actually, the second I've yet to rekindle the memory of what he looked like. Now mind you, this guy is not a regeneration, he's a separate character all his own, who had his own dimension that the Doctor stumbled across. There's so much more to the story but in short this guy mistook the Doctor to be a threat to his dimension and essentially bloodied up his mug. My mind is violent.

Wish I had more to update with, but like I said. . . art blocks galore. They're like mosquitoes, honestly. Where there's one there are bound to be more.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


I have a few personal projects I'm working on. These two are examples of what one might find in a wealthy family's home in the 23rd century. In the story, people live in fear of the corrupt Empire, which terrorizes the planet and has made a new world market on human trafficking far greater than ever before.

In wealthy homes, slave owners can afford organization for their servants. This includes dress uniform unique to the owner's liking, and for one home in particular, you can see what sort of uniforms those might be.

More is yet to come. You can read the prologue to this story here. It's broken down into short chapters for the ease of reading now and then. It is still in the works of being completed, just one or two chapters left to go now, then I'll get to work on the next installment.